Leasing – Sai Office Kenya https://www.sai-office.com/kenya Fri, 25 Sep 2020 12:13:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://www.sai-office.com/kenya/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/05/cropped-saiofficefavicon-32x32.png Leasing – Sai Office Kenya https://www.sai-office.com/kenya 32 32 Leasing https://www.sai-office.com/kenya/products_services/leasing/ Tue, 23 Jun 2020 20:40:59 +0000 http://cre8ivedge.net/dev/saioffice/kenya/?post_type=products_services&p=337 contact us for any of your leasing solutions. We offer the following leasing solutions…
  • Short Term: Leasing photocopiers and production printers on a short-term basis can be of financial benefit to your business. Let us provide you with the very best of our printers. Please contact us for any of your short-term leasing solutions.
  • Long Term: Our leasing solution offers you access to modern equipment without the need to invest large amounts of capital on the equipment. We have in the stock quality and capable printers and photocopiers that are ideal for corporates on a long-term basis.